Saturday, December 20, 2008

HD Google Earth Fly-in to Sal Creek Restoration, Tongass National Forest Alaska

YouTube has recently provided a way to upload High Definition Videos.  I have embedded one of my recent uploads to this page below.  However, to see a larger High Definition window size you have to go to my You Tube page.  An option to see this YouTube video in "High Definition" quality will become visible (after you hit the > Play arrow) by moving your cursor over the ^ arrow on the right side bottom of the video window.  The window size stays the same on this page, but the quality is improved dramatically.

This video contains a fly in from space to Sal Creek on Prince of Wales, Island in Alaska, where we are photographing the changes that take place over time as restoration work is done.  A Google Earth KML file linking to a Google EArth 3D view, several full screen, High Definition 360 degree panoramas and videos can be found on our Mountain Visions Google Earth Tour Gallery page.