Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Pesticide toxicity and the Precautionary Principle

I was interested in knowing more about the type of pesticide that was noted in the news stories today about 4 children killed in a Texas home.
I found that "Aluminum Phosphide" is the chemical with an "Acute Hazard Warning Label of '1 Danger'" that reacts with water to form a toxic gas. Below is a pesticideinfo.org site that identifies several active U.S. Pesticide Products that contain pellets, tablets or fumigant bags containing aluminum phosphate and is used for many different types of pest and crop control purposes. One example is Killz-all 60 tablets and the screen shot below displays summary toxicity information for the product.

 Investigating a little more about what the ? marks mean in the screen shot there is a link to a "Weight-of-the evidence" assessment that explains some of the obstacles to an objective and timely evaluation of chemicals before they are made available for public use. Scrolling up on the same page reveals a lot more detail about the "Limitations of Available Human Toxicity Data." http://www.pesticideinfo.org/Docs/ref_toxicity1.html#WeightofEvidence

Precautionary Principle:

 In my opinion we should demand that the "Precautionary Principle" be applied as a guide to making wiser decisions in the face of uncertainty about new products or actions. Below is a link to a "Science & Environmental Health Network" site that explains the principle. "When an activity raises threats of harm to the environment or human health, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically." "The principle applies to human health and the environment. The ethical assumption behind the precautionary principle is that humans are responsible to protect, preserve, and restore the global ecosystems on which all life, including our own, depends."  http://www.sehn.org/ppfaqs.html

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Before, During and After Total Solar Eclipse 2017 / A windfall environmental discussion opportunity


I can imagine brighter days in the near future when Americans start to get smarter about science and more personally involved in environmental and ecosystem issues before, during and and after the sun comes out from behind the moon at the Total Solar Eclipse next August 21, 2017.

Earth Day 2017 was celebrated on April 22The first Earth Day on April 22, 1970 activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life and is widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement.   This year, 2017,  national and global "Marches For Science" were held on April 22.  The Earth Day Network is suggesting that the Scientific "Teach-in" concept deployed in the first Earth Day be used again now. These teach-ins could help jump start community discussions about the environment before, during and after the Total Eclipse of the Sun on August 21, 2017.

Below is an temporal outline of the scenario I envision.  ( Online I have written more about each of the following topics and will amplify each in more detail in the the near future)

1.  I am starting the creation a collaborative/interactive Google map to identify grassroots opportunities to learn about and take positive actions on environmental and ecosystem issues. List of topics include:  Native Wildlife, Native Flora,
Native Americans, Wilderness, Ecosystems, Endangered species, Public Lands and Rivers, and Air -Water-Climate.  


2. The "dark days"related to nature and the environment in America have been around us for many generations known most dramatically by Native Americans. 

3.  Crazy Horse of the Oglala Lakota in 1877, prophesized that in 7 Generations... the whole earth would become a circle again.  We are living in that time now and many tribes are coming together to address land, water and animal treaty rights.

4.  1960's and 70's Environmental Movement.  (public trust doctrine)
      Wilderness, Clean Air, Clean Water, Wild and Scenic Rivers, Endangered Species Acts

5.  The Northwest 1979 Total Eclipse of the Sun - Moonshadow 79'. 

5.  1980's to the present time and the recent Trump presidential election.
     Reagan election and the influence of conservative think tanks

6.  Cities in the 2017 eclipse path are promoting economic windfall opportunities.  Grassroot environmental groups can also us the  eclipse for educational and activism opportunities before, during and after the eclipse date.  I hope the Collaborative/ Interactive Google map will aid in this effort.

6.  7 Generations into the future.  The Nez Perce and other Native American tribes are cooperating  with the 7 Generation fund to focus on supporting grassroots development through Native community empowerment and action.  http://www.7genfund.org

7. The Our Children's Trust project is very current and obvious  example of the potential for actions to protect the environment for future generations. Imagine the results of an election a few years from now when these youths and others in their age group who might better understand their responsibilities as citizens to protect the broader environment issues are able to vote!  (Public Trust doctrine)

8.  Imagine that the 7 Generation Native American vision for the future can become synonymous with all Americans.  See the Nez Perce NIMIIPUU Protecting the Environment non profit Facebook page as an example.

9. Overview of Gary O, Grimm Background related to outoor and wilderness community networking.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hey Bear -GOAL & Grizzly Times

At the Speak For Wolves 2016 meeting in West Yellowstone in July I recorded video of presentations given by Hey Bear - Goal and Grizzly Times about the history and future of Grizzly Bear management. 

Below are a few of my own grizzly photos and links to these important organizations.

After the meeting a few days later I was eye to eye with a "Great Grizzly Bear" through a telephoto lens.
Hey Bear - GOAL Tribal Coalition

"Grizzly Bears are sacred endangered animals and GOAL is a coalition of nearly 50 tribes dedicated to stopping delisting & "senseless trophy hunting."

This female Grizzly bear and cub are in danger if delisting is allowed.

This article in Grizzly Times, by David Mattson is titled:

'In brief, wildlife management by the states of Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana is a corrupt and despotic system enslaved through culture and financial dependencies to serving the interests of those who have a worldview that features violence, iconizes weapons, makes fetishes of sexual organs, and instrumentalizes animals. Moreover, state wildlife managers have a history of demonizing carnivores in defiance of the best available science as part of a narrative that features killing predators to purportedly boost sport-hunting opportunities for “customers.”'

Wednesday, August 03, 2016



Years ago Doug Newman at the University of Oregon Outdoor Program used the term to describe easy, laid back, no commitment, Common Adventure, day hikes. I have just seen the term used again by Jim Hightower related to the Bernie Sanders populist insurgency. "—It yanked the national debate out of the hands of the Washington and corporate elites: both devoted for more than 30 years to rigging all the rules to further enrich the 1 percenters at the expense of everyone else — and proved that future success requires Democrats to abandon their effete namby-pambyism and embrace the vision, message, and issues of unabashed populism."  

Friday, June 24, 2016

"Commoning as a transformational social paradigm"

I found this interesting article that explores the meaning of the word "Commons" and how it relates to Economics, Ecosystem Stewardship and transitional system change from the bottom up.

"Commoning as a transformational social paradigm" by David Bollier, The Next System Project.

Friday, May 06, 2016

Speciesism, The Myth of Human Superiority, Barry Lopez, E.O. Wilson, Wolves, Grizzly Bears, etc.

Attempts to rationalize the killing of wild wolves, grizzly bears, bison, coyotes  because of human attitudes and behavior does not adequately consider how we are systematically practicing "predator speciesism," an important ecological term rarely discussed in our contemporary media.  The term speciesism can also be applied to human recent contributions to the catastrophic earth wide extinction of other animals and plant species.

These topics are of great concern to me and I am trying to reconcile how to engage productively in discussions and actions that will affect changes that I really believe are needed. 

I recently read this article about Barry Lopez talking about his work dedicated to inspiring a sense of community between humanity and the natural world. 

Clearly, Lopez's concerns can be related to the this important issue discussed in  "The Myth of Human Supremacy," a book by Derrik Jensen. 

Furthermore, E.O. Wilson is promoting the idea of "Half-Earth, devoting half of the surface of earth to nature" and also notes that politicians are not talking about the extinction catastrophe and asks the question - "In a logical living ecosystem do all flora and fauna, including humans, have equal rights to life? 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Surpise - Republican Focus Group finds Bernie Sanders has highest favorability rating.

Bernie Sanders is seen by voters as being honest, trustworthy, authentic and genuine.  People are not voting on policy but on persona or personality which matters most. To Republican strategist Frank Luntz's surprise the  focus group had a consensus that Bernie Sanders could be the "third party candidate" who could beat Trump, Clinton and others still in the race.  Bernie Sander's integrity is galvanizing the base of both democrats and republicans and national polls indicate that he has the most favorable rating.  

Watch the YouTube interview below.